Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Ayuda

Verify domain ownership in another GoDaddy account

To set up your Microsoft 365 email address with a domain in another GoDaddy account, you'll need to change your DNS settings twice. Once with a TXT verification record to verify your domain ownership, and a second time with the rest of your Microsoft 365 DNS details to set your mail destination.

You'll find your TXT record value in your Email & Office Dashboard (use your GoDaddy username and password). If you need to sign back in, select Help me fix this.

  1. Sign in to your other GoDaddy account's Domain Portfolio.
  2. Select your domain name.
  3. Scroll down to the Additional Settings section, and then select Manage DNS.
  4. Under DNS Records, select Add.
  5. Select TXT as the Type.
  6. Enter the details from your Email & Office Dashboard.
  7. Select Add Record.

To verify your TXT record, sign in to your account, and then select I set my TXT record. Check, please!. When your domain ownership's verified, you'll see the rest of your Microsoft 365 setup instructions. Follow the steps and set your Microsoft 365 mail destination for your domain.

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